Saturday, February 26, 2011

Peroneus Longus Tear Surgery

They wheeled me in and I had to climb up on the table.  I just had a short open backed gown on, which practically fell all the way off.  So, the whole team got to see the whole package before the procedure.  I really did not care at all at that point.  Anyways, how often do you get to be completely naked in front of a bunch of people, and it be perfectly fine.  Never for me.

After I got on the table they set everything else up, and shaved my leg.  They put the oxygen mask on and then the sleeping juice.  I remember someone asking my name and by the time I said it I was out.

I woke up what seemed like seconds later (actually an hour) and felt really good.  I was wide awake and in no pain at all.  The clock said 10:15AM.  The nurse came over and asked me some question, and I think I asked her a ton of questions also.  I really don't remember very well.  I do remember the doctor coming in and talking to me.  He told me he had to make the incision a lot longer than anticipated because my muscle and tendon was a whole lot longer than he had ever seen.  I'm not sure what this means.  I will have to ask at my next appointment.  He said he found a tear where he marked before surgery, and there was also a tear down by the knob on my foot also.  So its a good thing he exposed the whole tendon.

 Once I got back to the waiting room with with my family the nurse gave me an ice cold Pepsi and a nice warm blueberry muffin, which tasted so good.  I got a little nauseous but after a couple of seconds it went away.  They took the IV out and I went to the bathroom. I had no pain whatsoever.  When I got back in the room my wife helped me get my clothes back on and then I was free to go.  On the wheel chair ride down to the car I got nauseous again, but held it in.  I then got in the car and we drove off.  Once we were driving it was apparent that I was going to have to vomit.  Luckily they gave us a bag, because I threw up all the liquid I drank and the blueberry muffin (I felt sorry for my wife having to listen and watch while she was driving).  After the vomiting, which only lasted about a minute or two, I felt like a million dollars.  I have not been nauseous at all since. I have been pain free, but extremely tired.

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