Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Peroneus Longus Tear: Check-up

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 I had a check-up to make sure everything was looking good, and that the red spot at the bottom of my foot was not getting worse.

As you can tell in the picture, the redness towards the bottom has gone away, but I have developed the red spots just above the incision.  I finished my anti-biotics the day of the appointment, so they seem to have worked.  The red spots at the top are to be handled by rubbing anti-biotic ointment cream on it.  Not real sure if he was kidding or not, but he thought it might be athletes foot.  He likes to kid around, but he wasn't very concerned with the spots.  He said the incision was looking really good, and that the healing process seemed to be going very well.

I can now take a shower without covering my foot up, and the butterfly strips would just fall off on their own.  I don't have to wear the boot to bed anymore.  I only have to wear it when I am up on my crutches.  He wants me to move it a little more and put a little pressure on it.  I can even use a light weight rubber band to add a little pressure.  I can step on it as well.  He said not to over do it though because it is still early on.  If I did too much I would be back in the same boat.  I still need to keep it elevated for the swelling most of the time.

It's been pretty boring since I've had the surgery, because I have been confined to one area basically.  I'm sick of the crutches, any time I get up to go anywhere by the time I get there I am winded.  In other words, I am very out of shape.  I can't wait to be normal again, and do the things I used to be able to do.  I've been off work for the last 6 months, so when I go back I'm going to be like a brand new employee all over again.  I can't wait to get back to work and do manual labor again, sounds crazy huh, but that's who I am and what I do.

Ok enough feeling sorry for myself, lets think positive.  I can now shower my entire body, that's a major positive.  I have a healthy family that has been supporting me through this whole process, I don't live in Japan, I still have an amazing job, I have a nice house, etc.  I think you get the picture.  I'm still in high spirits.  It would take a lot to get me down.  This surgery has gone far better than I ever expected so far.  Here's to a good surgeon, cheers!  I'm out!

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